"I am running for Manteca Mayor to provide a clear concise collaborative direction bringing new ideas and a fresh, common sense perspective to City Hall. As a Son, Husband, Father and local businessman, I will bring a passionate, energetic unique vision to move us forward together. I will be an advocate for small businesses and residents who deserve a voice in Manteca's future."
Protecting the people of Manteca is my top priority. With violent crime, car thefts and property crimes surging throughout the country, our police officers and firefighters deserve to have the equipment, technology and training to ensure the safety of all Manteca residents.
To retain our experienced law enforcement personnel and attract future officers, I am proposing the city build a new state-of-the-art police station that is long overdue and much-needed. This will replace the outdated and overcrowded station that was built in 1976 when our city had a population of 22,000. This new station will give officers more access to new policing techniques and room for greater training opportunities. In this way, we can increase our officer ranks thus enhancing the safety of our residents and improve the quality of life for every Mantecan. I would also like to allocate funding or seek grants to increase our citywide licenses plate readers (LPR) and camera system in order make our public safety more efficient in tackling the criminal element.
This issue negatively impacts our community’s sense of safety and security and must be addressed with creativity and compassion so that the truly needy are provided an opportunity to find their way back to self-sufficiency while the criminal element is dealt with by law enforcement. In order to help those who are seeking a better, more productive lifestyle, I am proposing a Navigation Center that will provide job training, mental health, hygiene facilities and access to drug and alcohol treatment. This facility will also provide a centralized location for all non-profits, churches and organizations to pool their resources together under one roof and truly change the face of homelessness. With the help of state and country elected official we can continue to pursue grants from Sacramento and Washington, DC, we can help get people off the streets and integrated back into society. Finally by having a permanent facility we can also untie the hands of law enforcement and change our Anti-Camping ordinance and hold those who do not conform to the regulations accountable as resources and beds will be available for them.
As a longtime resident of Manteca, I have seen our community grow rapidly. Due to our proximity to two main highways, our city is situated in a location that has attracted many new residents from communities throughout the state. However, for our city to continue to prosper, we must grow in a planned and sustainable way that balances new residential units with local commercial and industrial jobs so Mantecans can work in our community taking vehicles off our busy roads and highways. We need to shift our focus to more commercial and industrial growth to sustain our community tax base and actually slow down the residential growth to allow time for our infrastructure to catch up.
We need to be Business Friendly and make the process more efficient letting everyone know we are open for business.
I have also been an advocate to ensure new development pays its fair share. New housing must provide the revenue to pay for parks, schools, streets and the increased public services that new residents require and not leave our existing residents or the general fund on the hook.
As the drought continues to surge onward we need to invest and implement our purple pipe project and use our reclaimed water for our parks, golf course and other high use areas.
During my time on the City Council, we have improved streets and thoroughfares throughout our community to enhance traffic flow and increase the safety of drivers and pedestrians. In addition to making major improvements to Yosemite and Main Streets and Airport Way in the city’s core, we have also improved traffic flow on and created through traffic on Atherton Drive and Woodward Avenue south of Highway 120.
As a business owner and father of two school age children, I understand that in order for our community to grow in a healthy way, we must plan for the future and ensure the safety of our community. To further that end, we are working on the Highway 99 and 120 expansion, the McKinley Interchange on and off ramps, as well as, well updating our General plan to allow industrial growth to the north and allowing truck traffic to reach 99/5 without a impact to our residents and surface streets.
Our community is continuing to grow and change. Local government must also evolve to reflect our changing demographics while continuing to provide the transparency and accountability that Manteca residents want and deserve. As the youngest member of the City Council, a father and small business owner, I bring a unique clear concise voice to city government to move our city into the future. The road will not be easy but one thing I will always make sure is that we do what is best for Manteca and make sure our community is well informed.